Little Guy is 1,983rd. There are 30 of us (and 1 "Little Guy 2"). As always though, I'm the middle dog. I don't have the least or most common name in my family. I might as well be called "Jan Brady."

Cosette is the 3,008th name as there are only 17 of them in the county. Only one is an American Eskimo dog. Guess who that is!

By no surprise, Rusty has the most common name in our family. Rusty has the 31st most common name and shares it with 1,798 other L.A. county dogs. When he was adopted into our family, he already had his name. My Mom & Dad nearly changed it, but he knew it already and it was kind of sentimental as both of my parents' fathers had dogs named Rusty earlier in their lives.
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